Claudia at the Top
These aren’t the only posters that were made for
Once Upon a Time in the West.
This batch seems to promote Claudia … and as you see she gets
Top Bill on most of them.
That other Western Claudia did? (Rick was asking)
Les Petroleuses / 1971
Starring Brigitte Bardot and Claudia Cardinale
Wikipedia says: “Pétroleuses were, according to popular rumours at the time, female supporters of the Paris Commune, accused of burning down much of Paris during the last days of the Commune in May 1871. During May, when Paris was being recaptured by loyalist Versaillais troops, rumours circulated that lower-class women were committing arson against private property and public buildings, using bottles full of petroleum or paraffin (similar to modern-day Molotov cocktails) which they threw into cellar windows, in a deliberate act of spite against the government. Many Parisian buildings, including the Hôtel de Ville and the Tuileries Palace, were burned down during the last days of the Commune, prompting government forces to blame the mythical pétroleuses.”
Yeah … well … this doesn’t appear to be a French historical docu-drama.
Renamed Frenchie King (for North American markets?)
IMDB viewers give it a “5 out of 10” !!
Michael J. Pollard … ?
Yee Haw !!!