A Celebration of Western Movies… Pardner!
Not a favorite … but still interesting as part of
Glenn Ford’s Western Filmography.
Lots of promotion, smoke, and furore … if nothing else.
Moving on …
My review? It’s a good Western – have a look.
Jubal / 1956:
Glenn Ford is now 40 years old and a full blown Western Movie Star in the Golden Era of Western Film – the 50’s. The notable cast of Jubal includes 4 other fellers: Ernest Borgnine, Rod Steiger, Charles Bronson, and Jack Elam. Borgnine, Bronson and Elam have all been moving steadily up the ladder from being movie Extras – to Badguys – to supporting actor roles and now enjoy Star billing. Rod Steiger (the main badguy in Jubal) is already a well established actor for his roles in On the Waterfront (1954) (with Marlon Brando), and as that “low down dirty pig stealer” Jud Fry from Oklahoma (1955) (“where the wind keeps sweepin’ down the plain, and the waving wheat” …. well … you know what I’m talking about).
Meanwhile two gals, Valerie French and Felicia Farr have principal roles.
Jubal Sackett is a novel by great Western writer Louis L’Amour
which developed into a worthy TV mini-series: The Sacketts (1979)
starring Glenn Ford – among an All Star Western cast of:
Sam Elliot, Tom Selleck, Jack Elam, Ben Johnson, Slim Pickens,
L.Q. Jones, John Vernon, and Louis L’Amour himself.
Amazing stuff.
Garry mentioned Jubal … so I thought we’d take a look at it.
Most of Ford‘s 15 (or so) Westerns were pretty good and Jubal is right up there.
Jubal – an unusual name for a movie –
is from the 1939 novel Jubal Troop by Paul Wellman.
Glenn Ford Jubal (Troop).
Just for curiosity Borgnine, Bronson and Elam had also all appeared together in Vera Cruz (1954).
Jubal / Part 2 … coming up …
Woodrow Wilson Woolwine “Woody” Strode
(July 25, 1914 – December 31, 1994)
was a decathlete and football star who went on to become a pioneering African American film actor. He was nominated for a Golden Globe award for
Best Supporting Actor for his role in Spartacus in 1960.
He served in the US Army during World War II.
Sergeant Rutledge (1960) / Two Rode Together (1961) / The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) / The Professionals (1966) / Shalako (1968) / Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) / Boot Hill (1969) / Chuck Moll (1970) / The Deserter (1971) / The Revengers (1972) / Keoma (Django Rides Again) and (The Violent Breed) (1976) / Lust in the Dust (1985) / Posse (1993) /
The Quick and the Dead (1995)
Rick, if you thot Les Petroleuses / 1971 was “interesting”, then you might wanna look at this …
It’s almost a copy the Les Petroleuses, but replaces Bardot and Cardinale
with Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz.
When in doubt … make lottsa posters.
Not sure about the plot (if there is one),
but the posters look … interesting.
My … what a big gun you have …
These aren’t the only posters that were made for
Once Upon a Time in the West.
This batch seems to promote Claudia … and as you see she gets
Top Bill on most of them.
That other Western Claudia did? (Rick was asking)
Starring Brigitte Bardot and Claudia Cardinale
Wikipedia says: “Pétroleuses were, according to popular rumours at the time, female supporters of the Paris Commune, accused of burning down much of Paris during the last days of the Commune in May 1871. During May, when Paris was being recaptured by loyalist Versaillais troops, rumours circulated that lower-class women were committing arson against private property and public buildings, using bottles full of petroleum or paraffin (similar to modern-day Molotov cocktails) which they threw into cellar windows, in a deliberate act of spite against the government. Many Parisian buildings, including the Hôtel de Ville and the Tuileries Palace, were burned down during the last days of the Commune, prompting government forces to blame the mythical pétroleuses.”
Yeah … well … this doesn’t appear to be a French historical docu-drama.
Renamed Frenchie King (for North American markets?)
IMDB viewers give it a “5 out of 10” !!
Michael J. Pollard … ?
Yee Haw !!!
“Like plenty of other small screen programs, AMC’s Hell on Wheels has opted to shoot in Canada. The Calgary-based program is set to return to the schedule for an action-packed Season 3 premiere on August 3. However, recent and major floods on set may make it harder for the show to finish shooting Season 3 for a while. The show was busy filming last week when floods overtook the set, causing production to shut down. … “
” … Without love, without a cause, we are… *nothing*!
We stay because we believe. We leave because we are disillusioned.
We come back because we are lost. We die because we are committed …”
– Jack Palance as Jesus Raza
“Well, if people didn’t try something new,
there wouldn’t be hardly any progress at all.”
– Jane Fonda / Cat Ballou
Cat Ballou – Ballad of Kid Shelleen
MFW: You’re right Marilyn … nobody knew he had it in him.
Kid Shelleen (Lee Marvin) demonstrates his gun hand ….
The whole dang gang:
Dwayne Hickman, Michael Callan, Jane Fonda, Lee Marvin, Tom Nardini