I thank everybody for their kind feedback on my annoying QUIZ!
But I did really figure somebody woulda got him right away?
There was indeed some educated guesses to be sure.
OK then … LOL! … this is my last hint:
*Drum roll*
(or at least smoke signals)
He’s not in this pic:

But he IS in this pic

That rumpled hat never gave him away eh?
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Author: jcalberta
I love Westerns.
... and the intent of MyFavoriteWesterns.com is to celebrate Western Movies/Film - old and new.
This site will eventually show my top 30 favorite Westerns - or more. I will have original graphic work with regular updates.
All this - and more ...
Yee Haw ... !!
- jcablerta / Moderator / Administrator
View all posts by jcalberta
Glenn Ford …
Love the rumpled hat !!
Then it has to be Glenn Ford.
Yu got ‘im Pardner.
I enjoyed him, no matter what type movie he was in.
Most of his work was watchable to be sure. I’ll have to review all his Westerns and see how many might be regarded as Classic?
I was also thinking Glenn Ford. His hat was usually well worn and while I haven’t counted how many westerns he made in total I know he was on the list of box office draws from the 40s through to the 60s.
Guess my hints weren’t as good as I thot?
My mule wuz distractin’ me.
But he was sure a fit as a Western Star.
He was a big Star for a long time and DID make a lot of Westerns. Can’t say how many might be considered classics, but most all are watchable.
Some of the later ones are noticeably weaker, but that’s an issue that stems from westerns of that time rather than anything to do with Ford himself. His work in the 40s and especially in the 50s is very strong, some of the best the genre saw. He’s definitely a favourite of mine too.
Glenn Ford???
And he a pile of Westerns.