I love Westerns.
... and the intent of is to celebrate Western Movies/Film - old and new.
This site will eventually show my top 30 favorite Westerns - or more. I will have original graphic work with regular updates.
All this - and more ...
Yee Haw ... !!
- jcablerta / Moderator / Administrator
View all posts by jcalberta
5 thoughts on “A visit to Blue Rocks …”
Nova Scotia is beautiful, I’ve seen other photos as well on other sites. That lighthouse is fantastic!
I greatly appreciate what help you gave me for my father’s certificate and offer to others, there are 2 others I do need help with. One I have not scanned in yet, but this one is so small I had to take a photo of it, downloaded it while it was large and used a magnifying glass to try and see why dad kept it, despite the damage. It certainly appears that the soldier turned around is actually dad. I was shocked!×591.jpg
Nova Scotia is beautiful, I’ve seen other photos as well on other sites. That lighthouse is fantastic!
I greatly appreciate what help you gave me for my father’s certificate and offer to others, there are 2 others I do need help with. One I have not scanned in yet, but this one is so small I had to take a photo of it, downloaded it while it was large and used a magnifying glass to try and see why dad kept it, despite the damage. It certainly appears that the soldier turned around is actually dad. I was shocked!×591.jpg
Looks gorgeous 😉
Wished we had more than a week …
Hi Don,
We were blessed with great weather that week. It can be different. Could have posted 50 pictures that we took around there.
Nice pictures of a place I would really like to see in person.