ZORRO / Evivva
The Mark of Zorro (1940)
On most any Saturday, in 1954, myself and my 3 older brothers, would each be given a Quarter (25 cents!) and off we’d go to the Saturday Matinee at the local Movie Theatre (in Mission, British Columbia). A Quarter would get us in plus buy a bag of popcorn and a pop! Amazing!
In those days kids could walk around freely, with no fear. We never locked our doors. Never had to. Churches were open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
That was a different time. Not so long ago.
I was 6 years old
Then we’d breathlessly watch our Heroes of the day!
14 years earlier, in 1940 – Tyrone Power had Starred in The Mark of Zorro.
I don’t recall seeing this movie until TCM showed it recently.
I loved it.

Obviously there is a Colorized version of The Mark of Zorro (1940).
Haven’t seen that one yet.

Ratings were pretty high – for both Critics and the Public.