Henry Hathaway Director of Westerns / Man of the Forest / 1933

home from the forest / lightfoot

Man of the Forest / 1933

I got stuck a bit on this one for. My impression was that this film was more popular than most films in it’s time. I wanted to verify that, but there’s not a lot of history on many of these early Westerns. So my investigation dragged on, but … it has some pretty nice posters and images.

Scott looks a bit like and early Errol Flynn.
Fortunately he later turfed the ‘stache’.

No Trailers available.
However Man of the Forest is classified Public Domain.

This is one of 20 Zane Grey stories, filmed by Paramount in the 1930s, which they sold to Favorite Films for re-release, circa 1949-1950. The failure of Paramount, the original copyright holder, to renew the film’s copyright resulted in it falling into public domain, meaning that virtually anyone could duplicate and sell a VHS/DVD copy of the film. Therefore, many of the versions of this film available on the market are either severely (and usually badly) edited and/or of extremely poor quality, having been duped from second- or third-generation (or more) copies of the film. (From Internet Movie Database IMDB)

Henry Hathaway / Director of Westerns / Part 8 / Under the Tonto Rim / 1933

greg allman

Henry Hathaway / Director of Westerns
Under the Tonto Rim / 1933

— and he had to live up to it!

Director Henry Hathaway was 35 years old in 1933.


      Tonto Daley (Erwin) A complete failure as a ranch cowhand – then a chuck wagon driver, his embarrassment is total after accidentally causing a wagon to tip over and his boss’s daughter Nina Weston to fall into a creek.

      He hits the trail with his tail between his legs, taking a job from Porky and Tom to become a hog farmer. He is miserable and lonely, and things get worse when former foreman Munther tries to railroad Tonto in the rustling of some cattle. He finds out Porky and Tom are in on it, and Nina becomes Tonto’s ally in the fight to make things right.

Then things finally take a turn …

      Under the Tonto Rim (1933) seems to be almost a lost movie. I could find no Trailers – or clips – and very few reviews.

From buffoon to hero, Tonto gets the gal (Verna Hillie).

Caterwauling cowboysVerna Hillie with unidentified steed.

Stuart Erwin

Between 1928 and 1968 Erwin appeared in about 120 movies.
He specialized in playing the average Joe, hayseeds
and semi-buffoonish sidekicks.
But was best as boxer Joe Palooka of comic strip fame (Palooka,1939)
and as Judy Garland’s dense brother in Pigskin Parade (1936),
which earned him an Academy Award nomination.
 Under the Tonto Rim / Zane Grey / 1926

Verna Hillie

Verna Hillie (5 May 1914 – 3 October 1997) was an American film actress. She starred opposite John Wayne in the 1934 films The Star Packer and The Trail Beyond. She made 19 movies in her career.