rocket man / iron horse
“Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.”
– HG Wells
“Inform Rose that I have engaged the Clock.”
I would say this:
Of most of technological devices and gadgets I have, I’d say I know less than half
of what they do and how to use them to their full potential.
This goes for our TV, my camera, and our Samsung tablet.
Among other things.
I doubt that I am unique here though.
Never thought I’d ever have a colour TV.
That was for rich folks.
Now we’ve got this gigantic Samsung Smart TV.
It might be smart, but sometimes I’m not doing so good.
We figured most things out: like Netflix; Youtube; how to get Game of Thrones,
and how to download stuff from the Net and play it from a USB stick …
Our main issue is this thing:
The ‘Clicker’.
These are our Clickers below:
We’ve got three of them.
We use one (left) to turn the TV on and adjust the Volume.
And the second one (middle) to choose the Channel.
The third one (right) is for the DVD Player.
We still don’t know how to fully operate them.
I do know you can buy a movie you didn’t want by pressing the wrong buttons.
and I think one button launches a ICBM in Dakota.
We’ve called in a Tech guy a couple of times to try to figure a few things out.
I’ll make a simple guess why many Tech products are so difficult for us.
It’s not because we’re dumb – or don’t have Tech savvy – though we don’t.
It’s because most modern Tech is designed by young people for young people.
That’s where the money is.
They don’t care about us older folks.
But we blunder and fumble our way through anyway.
Let’s get at it.