the gunslinger
Can’t wait to see some of these.
A Celebration of Western Movies… Pardner!
Westerns are making a comeback. Big time.
As I periodically do, I was skulking around the Net looking for new Westerns. I got totally bushwhacked! I found over 20 recent Westerns! – and a sizable number “In Production”.
I’ve always said Westerns will never die because pretty well every Actor and Director wants to make a Western at some point in their career. It’s true. We love these damn things. And always will.
Yeee Hawwww !
This avalanche is the usual mix: mostly small productions; some B stuff (though B doesn’t always mean bad); and more than a fistfull that look pretty good. I haven’t seen any of them yet, so I can only preview them for you. You’ll have to be the judge – and jury. I do expect a few hangings and some will definitely end up in Boot Hill. But I still see a fistful that will likely ride into the sunset. We’ll see …
I just like to promote Westerns – of any ilk.
So Let’s Ride!
Pretty impressive.
More to come …
I’ll do a post on each one shortly.
anyone can tell / the heavy horses
I gotta say this looks like it might be a bit of fun.
The Sisters Brothers (2018) is a comedy Western based on a Best Selling Book called The Sisters Brothers by Patrick deWitt.
It’s already gathering interest because of the book – and the Star Power of Joaquin Phoenix and Jake Gyllenhaal. But you can guess by the skull on the posters, that the humor may well be a bit dark in places. ?
“With The Sisters Brothers, Patrick deWitt pays homage to the classic Western, transforming it into an unforgettable comic tour de force. Filled with a remarkable cast of characters – losers, cheaters, and ne’er-do-wells from all stripes of life – and told by a complex and compelling narrator, it is a violent, lustful odyssey through the underworld of the 1850’s frontier that beautifully captures the humor, melancholy, and grit of the Old West and two brothers bound by blood, violence, and love.”
Let me confess that in viewing the rather longish (9:47) informal preview (below) for A Magnificent Death from a Shattered Hand (2014) by Thomas Jane, I had to wonder if this wasn’t a hoax ?? The internet – especially YouTube – is famous for movie hoax’s – especially phony trailers for films that don’t really exist. Watch this – if you will – and you’ll see what I mean. Apart from this, it appears to be a legitimate project. I hope so, because, again we have a movie that boasts a rather excellent cast:
Synopsis: Excerpt from Beyond Hollywood (.com)
” … Thomas Jane (of “Punisher” fame) is cooking up a Western called “A Magnificent Death from a Shattered Hand” that is apparently set to go into production early 2013 for, possibly, a 2014 release.
“A Magnificent Death from a Shattered Hand” will be coming to you courtesy of Jane, who co-wrote the script and will direct as well as star. Jeremy Irons and Nick Nolte are also in the cast, about “an ex-soldier [who] is relentlessly tracked down for the murder and rape of a well-to-do woman”, forcing him to “face mercenaries, tribal warriors, and women of sin to clear his name and uncover the true story behind the manhunt.”
Nolte, Irons and Thomas Jane …. that’s pretty good stuff.
Looking forward with anticipation.