Li’l Red Riding Hood
Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs / 1966
Ever seen a Wolf?
If you have, you’re lucky.
Because Wolves will usually spot us first.
And leave.
They’re smart.
American Primeval Mini Series
“Based upon true events”?
The myth of the BIG BAD WOLF has been with us so long
that I doubt it will ever go away.
Maybe it started to stop the kids from wandering into
those “spooky old woods”?
or something else?
Amidst the gore and killing in American Primeval, mini series
the myth of dangerous Wolves is propagated once again.
(Makes you wonder what other liberties they’ve taken?)
I really couldn’t count the number of Movies – particularly Westerns –
where wolves are depicted attacking us poor humans.
So YES! once again our heroes are attacked by Wolves in American Primeval.
NOT just attacked, but these Wolves actually break into their cabin
to get at them! Truly Amazing stuff!
From The International Wolf Center:
“In Europe and North America we only found evidence for 12 attacks (with 14 victims) of which two (both in North America) were fatal, across a period of 18 years. Considering that there are close to 60,000 wolves in North America and 15,000 in Europe, all sharing space with hundreds of millions of people, it is apparent that the risks associated with a wolf attack are above zero, but far too low to calculate.”
In other words:
Wolves don’t attack people.
Never have. Never will.
Wish I could say the same about us not attacking Wolves.
Wolf Moon
So did you see the Wolf Moon a couple of days ago?
I had been tracking it for a while.
It was beautiful.

Wolves aren’t interested in eating us, unless we are already dead. I have met some arctic wolves. They are huge, gorgeous, and white.
Really BIG dogs!
Hey Don, I had a girl friend who had one of those Arctic Wolves as a pet. She brought it from Alaska when she moved to Calgary. She told them it was a dog. And since this kind of wolf doesn’t look like a Timber Wolf which are mostly our classic idea of what a wolf is, they let it in!!! So I’m living with this gal and her wolf – an animal that used to running wild. I had to take it for runs every day, but believe me, this animal was never going to be domesticated. We finally broke up and she moved to Wyoming. Good Luck Gal.
Wolves don’t make perfect pets. They are serious chewers, for one thing. For that matter, so are their domest clones, Siberian Huskies. For another, they need to run and unless they have a few acres, they get very restless in most human environments. Vets, by the way, can see the difference between a wolf and a dog instantly. It has to do with the way their legs and paw are designed — and though they strongly resemble huskies, there are also obvious differences, if you know what you are looking for. I love wolves, but I think they deserve to be free. Unfortunately, we make that very difficult for them by constantly cutting down or developing those places they need to live.
Correct. The species of wolf she brought here is used to running up to 50 miles a day.
It is therefore patently CRUEL to bring such a creature into a city environment.
VETS might tell for sure, my Dad was a vet. In any event, she got it in here somehow.