In a system where a convicted criminal rapist who openly believes that
good is evil and evil is good is allowed to become the leader of the
most powerful country in the world.
What could go wrong?
A Celebration of Western Movies… Pardner!
In a system where a convicted criminal rapist who openly believes that
good is evil and evil is good is allowed to become the leader of the
most powerful country in the world.
What could go wrong?
It’s hugely depressing, but the writing has been on the wall for a while now. Disaffection and disengagement leave people desperate for facile solutions and prey to scapegoating, and it’s not a phenomenon that is confined to the USA either. Much of Europe is no more than a hop, skip and jump away from seeing populists, and the extremists that lurk back of them, ascend to power. There is a clear challenge to the very idea of liberal democracy, but I’m not sure what the answer is.
I was stunned. Watching it, I couldn’t believe he was winning. I kept for the tide to turn. Yes, a huge number of Amerian people obviously feel disenfranchised and want change. BUT this is NOT the answer. As they are going to find out very quickly.
I there going to be enough room in Canada to handle a mass of US expats?
It’s already happening Don. What people don’t know however is that we have a guy up here who is also horrific. Not that anybody could be as bad as Trump.
I’m thinking of shutting down. This is a level of depression and shame at being an American that I don’t know how to deal with. How could this happen? Again? What is WRONG with this country?
Truly a sad event. Incredible. What is wrong with those people?