Glacier Quest and the Great Divide

Heading for The Great Divide

I couldn’t guess how many times I’ve crossed
The Great Divide between Alberta and British Columbia.
In most instances I was heading for the
Pacific Coast and Vancouver Island.
I timed that drive once and found that if i drove
pretty well non-stop I could get from
Calgary, Alberta to Port Alberni on Vancouver Island
in about 16 hours.
My only rest was the Ferry Ride over to the Island.
But I was younger then. Don’t know if I could do that now?
On the way though (if it wasn’t nighttime)
I’d had lots of great scenery.


A Shard of your former immense glory.
Sitting high on a rocky crag.
Awaiting the inevitable.

You once moved Moutains …
made Mountains … then Ruled them.
Children of Ice.
Stand now in testament.

Yes, there’s still Glaciers. Remnants.
But not for long.
In the age of ‘climate change’.
Their decline, and death, is even faster.

Moving On …

Road construction, especially in British Columbia,
has cost Billions of dollars.
Imagine what it took to cut through that small mountain below?

So that I could drive here:

Amazing …

Author: jcalberta

Howdy! I love Westerns. ... and the intent of is to celebrate Western Movies/Film - old and new. This site will eventually show my top 30 favorite Westerns - or more. I will have original graphic work with regular updates. All this - and more ... Yee Haw ... !! - jcablerta / Moderator / Administrator

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