Forest Fires in Alberta

Alberta Government Posting: May 16, 2023

“Hot, dry conditions continue in most areas of the province
resulting in numerous wildfires.
A provincial state of emergency has been declared. Albertans who require assistance can call 310-4455 for wildfire related information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”

Most of the top half of Alberta is forest country.

Normally us Calgary folks (in Southern Alberta) couldn’t care less.
But in the age of Climate Change …
that is changing.
Fires are now starting to rage all the way across the Pacific Northwest
including the NW US and British Columbia.
In Alberta this is the worst and earliest fire season we’ve ever had.
In a lot of areas we’ve had little rainfall.

Satellite photo of Smoke across British Columbia, Alberta,
Saskatchewan and the US NW States.
It’s getting worse.

In Alberta we have been bringing in Firefighters and the Military
as we don’t have the resources or people to handle it.

No photo description available.

This is how the sun and sky looks today in Calgary.

On we go …

Author: jcalberta

Howdy! I love Westerns. ... and the intent of is to celebrate Western Movies/Film - old and new. This site will eventually show my top 30 favorite Westerns - or more. I will have original graphic work with regular updates. All this - and more ... Yee Haw ... !! - jcablerta / Moderator / Administrator

7 thoughts on “Forest Fires in Alberta”

    1. I know what your saying GP. That’s happened at times. But no, this is usually lightning strikes and such. It’s a tinder box up here right now.

    1. We are OK in Calgary unless you have respiratory ailments – as quite a few folks do.
      People up North aren’t so fortunate – losing housing, work and lives. Yes Don, some rain would solve a lot of things.

  1. We are on fire alert also. We aren’t on fire here, but a few miles away — just two or three miles — there are fires in many wooded areas. Rain notwithstanding, when it got hot, everything dried out in a hurry. And now, NO rain is forecast. Very worrying.

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