Yes I can / Valdy / 1976
A Week on ‘The Island’
We’re back from a week on “The Island”.
Vancouver Island.
Around here when you say “The Island”
everybody knows what you’re talking about.
And if you’ve ever been there you know that
Vancouver Island is a piece of paradise.
That’s why a lot of folks here retire to ‘The Island’.
When we got back to Calgary we were pretty tired.
I often used to joke that I worked harder on vacation than I did at at work.
It’s true.
All the walking, hiking and exploring can wear you out.
Especially when you’re 73 years old.
30 years ago that wouldn’t have even made me sweat.
But those times are gone.
In all this, Rose and I took over 2000 photos.
It’s an old Photojournalism trick – take a absolute ton of pictures –
one or two are bound to be useful.
And thanks to digital technology you can do that these days.
In the past the film would have cost us a fortune.
A lot of our photos are just tourist quality fare though,
but we still came up with a few good shots to show.
Flew out. We only had a week and to drive from
Calgary to Tofino would have taken a whole day.
Calgary To Victoria:,-116.4069041,6.51z
It takes about and hour and a half to fly over.
Land at Victoria Airport (up the peninsula).
… head for Tofino.
It takes about 4 and a half hours – if you don’t stop.
We were off and running …
Loved the Post on your trip with Rose to Tofino! 🙂 What a beautiful journey and thanks also, loved the added song from a most favorite Canadian Singer, brought back some great memories!
Ahh Thank You Brigita! We had a great trip and I still have a ton of pics to edit and post.
Valdy is still awesome isn’t he!? – after all these years. Just like us!
Hope you are well and picked up on the Seminar.
Quinn! thanks for dropping by!
I also really like the whale banner that you made for your blog post.
This is another great blog post about your trip to BC. I hope you had a great week and weather in BC? These are great pictures. I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving.
Yeah … Hope you had a great Thanksgiving too Quinn – with your family.