Off to Tucson …

Tucson sign
“Bullet holes Sir? Hell no, thems termites.”?

Been trying to get something on the board before I head down to Tucson on Friday. Going down for a week or so. So I’m not sure I’ll be able to put anything on the blog till then. I’ll try.

Tucson Park

Don’t really know much about the Tucson area except that it’s not far from Tombstone – so we’re definitely going to head over there for a day or two.

Earps OK Corral

Tucson is about the same size as Calgary population-wise: a million people. And I’m sure we’ll find plenty to do.

Old Tucson Studios sign

Naturally going to head over the Old Tuscon Studios – where they made a lot of Westerns. That should be a bit of fun. Too bad I don’t drink anymore cuz I’d sure like to slug back a jigger of rotgut at the saloon. Ah well, this old greenhorn dude has probably stared down his last desperado anyway. But cha never know.

Old Tucson Studios

Any ideas? I’m listnin’.

Old Tucson Studios Train
Tim, I think i found yer train.

Tucson rattler

Author: jcalberta

Howdy! I love Westerns. ... and the intent of is to celebrate Western Movies/Film - old and new. This site will eventually show my top 30 favorite Westerns - or more. I will have original graphic work with regular updates. All this - and more ... Yee Haw ... !! - jcablerta / Moderator / Administrator

8 thoughts on “Off to Tucson …”

  1. Downtown and the University of Arizona you will find hip and old buildings. Renovations are currently underway on some buildings. Tucson has been trying to build up downtown for too long.

    The north side of town features higher end shopping

    Go to the lost barrio.

    4th ave. and the area around it has unique shops and restaurants.
    The farther east you go, the more desert pops up. Sabino Canyon is a must.

    1. Fortman …

      Sorry, I completely missed your comment and suggestion somehow.
      Wished I’d seen them because that sounds like good stuff.

      Thank you.

  2. In Tombstone, go to the Birdcage Theater. Also, ask where you can find Ben Traywick. He’s the town historian. In Tucson, go to the San Xavier del Bac mission.

    1. Thank you !
      You know .. as a kid I stomped all over the Alberta Badlands – for years. Never saw a rattlesnake. Coulda been a couple of rustlers out there tho!

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