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Hombre – the Guns
Author: jcalberta
Howdy! I love Westerns. ... and the intent of MyFavoriteWesterns.com is to celebrate Western Movies/Film - old and new. This site will eventually show my top 30 favorite Westerns - or more. I will have original graphic work with regular updates. All this - and more ... Yee Haw ... !! - jcablerta / Moderator / Administrator View all posts by jcalberta
Paul Newman’s rifle is an 1873 Winchester in .44 WCF caliber manufactured in 1909. The bore only looks big because it has a heavy barrel. The rifle was purchased on auction from 20th Century Fox in the 1980s. I purchased it from the buyer approximately one month ago.
Excellent. Thank you. Bet that baby has a kick.
.44 WCF (Winchester Center Fire) is in fact a pistol cartridge, so the rifle does not kick at all. I have video of me and friends shooting it. Contact me via my email address and I will share the videos with you.
Ron … I suppose I should update the info on that rifle? or would you still say IMFDB info is OK?
Sorry it took me so long to reply. Since owning the rifle I have learned that the barrel is not heavy, but is in fact factory standard. Regarding IMFDB, the rifle has been heavily modified, is missing parts, and is damaged. I would be happy to provide you details and photographs. Please contact at my email address shown below.