Sedona Trip 2013 – Day 1
We flew into Phoenix from Calgary … was an uncomfortable flight. Felt cramped in that seat and had no leg room.
Rented a car … drove to Yuma. Slept for about 10 hours.
Transition Time
I’m now in the process of switching over to a day shift routine after working 12 hour night shifts for 4 years. I’ve arrived at the conclusion that night shift work is completely unnatural for human beings – who have been doing the exact opposite for thousands of years. I’ve read research that states that night shift workers have 70% more health issues than people doing the exact same work in day shift. I believe it. My health deteriorated immediately after I started night shift and I could never adjust to it. I could neve get enough rest and my fitness declined radically. Gradually this effected me emotionally and psychologically – making me depressed and angry. Ultimately I had no choice but to quit. So now I’m in a recovery period. I don’t know how long it will take to lose the 60 pounds I gained. Worse yet, the company I worked for offered no pay adjustment or compensation for night work – as many companies do. They don’t care about their people.
I’m just glad to be the hell outta there.
Worse yet …
So … today (Friday May 24) I went to the dentist across the border in Algodones, Mexico. I had tried to prepare myself for the ‘worse case scenario” – that more work would need to be done and it would take longer that I hoped.
Worse yet …
The treatment was very painful … 2 hours of drilling around the bone where the implants go. I needed extra needles of painkiller. Then I was told that it will require extra work and more time and it still won’t be completed. We will have to stay here 3 days instead of 2 and cut our Sedona trip short by another day in order come back here again before we leave. Very disappointing … and more expensive.
There is little joy.
Yet when I see the tornado disaster on TV, I count my blessings. Sometimes I am just happy to be alive.
Tonight we’ll take my swollen and bruised face over to the local theatre and watch the new Star Trek movie.
Make it so.
No, they don’t care. It’s all about the bottom line. I’ve lost a lot of teeth. Medicare doesn’t consider teeth essential. Eyes and teeth are considered cosmetic. Nice, eh?
Fortunately, i still have the time and opportunity to recover myself. – if not the money. The pain is fearful … but temporary. I hope.
At least you still have teeth you could look like stumpy in the show Rio Bravo!
Hi Doug. I bet U know Arizona a lot better than I do. I’m off to Scotsdale today – what’s up that way?
“Stumpy” ??! (Walter Brennan !) I’m not far away I tell ya. Sometimes I just wished i had some of his dynamite and I’d just blow the rest of my teeth out. And you know what? i gotta do a piece on Walter Brennan some time. Quite a guy.
Sorry you are in pain and all that….Welcome to Sedona! May I recommend you try hiking Fay Canyon. It’s easy, free, and lovely.
Enjoy your stay!
NOW ! … that is the kind of useful (and kind) advice i need. i really don’t know most of what can be done around Sedona – even though I’ve been there 4 times. Thank U ! very nice job on your blog.
Thanks for the kind words and have some fun. Sounds like you could use it. Cheers!