Award Recipient: Epically Awesome Award of Epic Awesomeness

Tom Mix … Western Icon

Dear Friends / Folks / Western Fans !

Time to toot my horn a bit.

I am the proud recipient of the:

Epically Awesome Award of Epic Awesomeness

Amazing !

But as I said, with exceptional subject matter like The Lone Ranger and Tonto, how could I fail?

In truth, this is about the 5th Award that kind Bloggers have sent my way, but I’ve been callously negligent in posting and responding to these expressions of valued appreciation. I hope to rectify this in the near future and post all these kind awards I’ve received.

In compliance with one condition of the Epically Awesome Award of Epic Awesomeness I am to post 10 epic and/or awesome facts about myself.

I will therefore just re-post my comment from Serendipity Blog.

“10 epic and/or awesome facts about myself ???
Ah shucks … I can only think of none.
I’ll have a couple of jiggers and make some stuff up.

1. i didn’t graduate from high school. True.
i don’t figure I wuz stoopid. just disinterested.
2. My Dad, myself and my 3 older brothers were all in the Calgary Highlanders.
My Dad fought in the war. The rest of us just fought each other.
3. I have been ‘out of the body’ on several occasions.
Mostly on purpose.
4. I held a broad jump record that lasted 14 years.
5. As a 15-year-old grocery clerk I once gave a customer (who said he was looking for “butterfly nuts”), a box of mothballs. (Hes’ still laughing)
6. I don’t own any guns.
Or a horse.
7. I was once saved from getting hit by a car by an invisible hand that pushed me back onto the curb. I believe in spiritual guardians.
8. i was never sure I was on the right planet. Is this Naboo?
9. I quit drinking, smoking, and drugs.
God I’m bored. (Just kidding … about being bored)
10. I’ve had seven partners.
This last one – Rose – is a keeper.

OK .. Part One of my Duties of Compliance have been completed.

Part Two is Give it to 10 bloggers you think are awesome and/or epic – or both. 

Well … being a reclusive Cowboy, I can’t rightly think of 10 offhand, but I’ll just start sending them out till the dust settles.

Have a good one.

Saddledome Rise SE, Calgary, AB T2G, Canada

Author: jcalberta

Howdy! I love Westerns. ... and the intent of is to celebrate Western Movies/Film - old and new. This site will eventually show my top 30 favorite Westerns - or more. I will have original graphic work with regular updates. All this - and more ... Yee Haw ... !! - jcablerta / Moderator / Administrator

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