Gregory Peck Western Filmography: Duel in the Sun

Duel in the Sun (1946)

Peck Bio ...Duel in the Sun
Duel in the Sun

Directed by King Vidor, produced and written by David O. Selznick
Peck’s first Western and one of Peck’s first movies – and a controversial one. It received the nickname “Lust in the Dust” and even by today’s standards we see how this steamy Western must have challenged the morals of the day (1946). Several scenes had to be cut as they could not pass the censorship boards. (One wonders what the uncut version would have been like … whew !!) Yet, still Nominated Academy Awards for Best Actress in a Leading Role (Jennifer Jones) and Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Lillian Gish).

Wikipedia: “Selznick had high hopes that Duel in the Sun would surpass his success with Gone with the Wind. The film received poor reviews, however, and was highly controversial due to its sexual content and to Selznick’s real-life relationship with Jones, which broke up both of their marriages. Despite the bad press, it was a box-office success for Selznick, although not a second Gone with the Wind. It earned $11,300,000 in rentals in North America during its initial release and much more overseas and in the 1954 re-release.”

Because of the film’s huge production costs (rumored to be over $6,000,000), its $2,000,000 advertising campaign (unheard of at the time) and Selznick’s costly distribution tactics, the film apparently only broke even.

Duel in the Sun poster
Duel in the Sun poster
Upstaged by a hoss ...
Upstaged by a hoss …
... but not fer long
… but not fer long

Author: jcalberta

Howdy! I love Westerns. ... and the intent of is to celebrate Western Movies/Film - old and new. This site will eventually show my top 30 favorite Westerns - or more. I will have original graphic work with regular updates. All this - and more ... Yee Haw ... !! - jcablerta / Moderator / Administrator

4 thoughts on “Gregory Peck Western Filmography: Duel in the Sun”

  1. You wouldn’t think, looking at Peck that he would fit in the wild west, but he does perfectly, I love him in Yellow Sky, great film too, and The Bravado’s too.

  2. I love some of those pictures. I love Peck. This isn’t one of my favorite Peck movies, but he was such a great actor, I’d watch him in anything.

    1. Yes … the movie is interesting because he plays such a cad – seems completely out of character from the debonair persona we eventually came to know him by. Peck was obviously very athletic in his younger days – in one scene he easily leaps on the back of his pony are just races off. Amazing stuff.

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