Heston … Call me Chuck

It`s been quite a ride.
– Charlton Heston

Most of us folks leave no mark to show our passage. Others stomp all over the damn thing.

I’ve been trying to do a bio on Charlton Heston for The Big Country. But he’s too big.

He keeps falling off the page … and filling up the room. So much so that I figure I better stick distinctly to his Westerns – or I’ll end up with a book.

A Man for All Seasons? The Greatest Show on Earth … ??
Maybe not … but damn sure worth a look.

I don’t say I find favor with all he said and did, but you can’t help but end up admiring what we know of his extensive journey.

So I’ll battle onward …

But there’s no way we can sum up some of these folks …

Screenshot of Charlton Heston from the trailer...
Screenshot of Charlton Heston from the trailer for the film The Greatest Show on Earth. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Taken during the production of Julius...
English: Taken during the production of Julius Caesar, 1950. The location is Chicago’s Museum of Science & Industry. Other images by this contributor – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Sba2 Use this image as needed, but for uses other than personal, please credit as “Photo by Chalmers Butterfield”. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
President Ronald Reagan with Charlton Heston a...
President Ronald Reagan with Charlton Heston at a meeting with the Presidential Task Force on the Arts and Humanities in the White House Cabinet Room. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Charlton Heston photographed for Vanity Fair m...
Charlton Heston photographed for Vanity Fair magazine by Jerry Avenaim (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Cropped screenshot of Charlton Heston from the...
Cropped screenshot of Charlton Heston from the trailer for the film Ben Hur (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C. James B...
Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C. Heston, Marlon Brando .. Harry Belefonte and Sydney Portier in background.
will penny
will penny

Author: jcalberta

Howdy! I love Westerns. ... and the intent of MyFavoriteWesterns.com is to celebrate Western Movies/Film - old and new. This site will eventually show my top 30 favorite Westerns - or more. I will have original graphic work with regular updates. All this - and more ... Yee Haw ... !! - jcablerta / Moderator / Administrator

2 thoughts on “Heston … Call me Chuck”

  1. Amazing !! You are favored.
    Most celebrities are just ordinary folks – nothing wrong with that. But some are special – worthy of their fame. Heston was surely one such individual.

  2. I met Charlton Heston in the mid 70s at the premiere of Midway, along with Henry Fonda and a bunch of other famous folks. Garry was interviewing Mr. Heston for Channel 7. The premiere was in NY and Ch. 7 was putting him up in a really nice hotel in Manhattan. He invited me. I said I felt the flu coming on and skipped out of work to go with him. Not something I was going to miss. Chuck was a most gracious, cordial man … the nicest celebrity — and the most modest — I ever met. He said that the most important thing a movie star needs to know is how to sleep on airplanes. Really. I have never forgotten that.

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